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[2010-05-20] cpu optimization

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登録日: 200363月 15日
投稿記事: 230
所在地: France

投稿1時間: 木 5月 20, 2010 10:34 pm    題名: [2010-05-20] cpu optimization 引用

The new CPU core is harder to optimize than I thought, I optimized the code as much as I could but this gave me only a 20% speed increase.

The problem is that the new core emulate the instructions cycle by cycle, same for the new VDC core, it renders the screen pixel by pixel, this is great for compatibility but that's slow.

May be a better approach would have been an hybrid core that emulate the instructions one by one but at the same time maintains a cycle by cycle timing. I'm tempted to try that. I will run a few quick tests and see if it's possible.
David Michel
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