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[2010-06-06] optimized hybrid cpu core

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登録日: 200363月 15日
投稿記事: 230
所在地: France

投稿1時間: 日 6月 06, 2010 5:27 pm    題名: [2010-06-06] optimized hybrid cpu core 引用

I'm starting to see the first result of the hybrid CPU core in action, it looks great! It's 3 to 4 times faster than the new core, and it's even faster than the old core by about 25%. Dancing

I rewrote it in ASM too, which explain a bit the speed boost. This was a refreshing experience, it was too long since the last time I touched some ASM, the x86 instruction set feels so outdated though, I really wish we had something better.

OK, now it's the turn of the new VDC core, if I can get similar results the new version should fly again. Smile
David Michel
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