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[2010-06-23] hybrid vdc core & backup ram manager

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登録日: 200363月 15日
投稿記事: 230
所在地: France

投稿1時間: 水 6月 23, 2010 9:30 pm    題名: [2010-06-23] hybrid vdc core & backup ram manager 引用

A lot of things going on, the hybrid VDC core is half finished, I got the timing and I/O part working, only the rendering part is missing, I'm trying to separate the two parts so that the rendering can run on a separate thread to take advantage of dual core CPUs, on a dual core the rendering should be almost free and on a single core the rendering will happen after a whole frame has been emulated, which should be faster than a scanline by scanline rendering.

In parallel I'm working on the GUI of the backup RAM manager too :

With it you can save/load backup RAM separately, and you can create new backup RAM slots, like that you don't have to delete your saved games when you want to start anew, just create a new slot for a game and voila.

I'm also cleaning/restructuring a bit MagicEngine code, some parts of the program are dusty (messy? Razz ), this will help to maintain/update the code.
David Michel
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